ICK Lingers to Strengthen Joint Partnerships

In September 2023, two journalism students named Marie Joyeuse Akingeneye Iradukunda and Philbert Mbonigaba are set to embark on a five-month course at Christelijke Hogeschool Ede (CHE University) in the Netherlands.

This opportunity is made possible through the support of the European Union and facilitated by the mutual cooperation between Institut Catholique de Kabgayi (ICK) and CHE University under the Erasmus+ program.

This collaboration with other academic institutions is not new for ICK.

In March 2023, Marie Assoumpta Nyiraneza, a third-year Sociology student, had a four-month training in Germany at Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen (KatHO University) as part of the partnership between ICK and Katho University.

To explore more about ICK’s relationships with other institutions, ICK News spoke with Father Prof. Fidèle Dushimimana, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academics and Research at ICK.

Father Dushimimana expressed appreciation for the level of cooperation between ICK and other institutions, both locally and internationally.

He credited these partnerships with significant academic progress at ICK, benefiting many students.

I would like to thank our former and current partners, either local or international.  With their help, I would say that ICK has stepped up academically,” said Father Dushimimana.

However, he acknowledged that there have been some challenges, such as delays in implementing agreements, although they haven’t caused major disruptions.

The collaborations are particularly strong in the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies and the Faculty of Social, Economic Sciences, and Business Management.

Jean Baptiste Hategekimana, the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Communications Studies, highlighted local partnerships with radio and TV stations to provide students with hands-on skills.

Additionally, there are international partnerships, like the one with Pax Press and Fojo Media Institute through the Rwanda Media Program, which offers seminars and training to improve students’ skills in various areas, including TV production, investigative journalism, and podcasting.

“There is also an academic partnership between ICK and Christelijke Hogeschool Ede (CHE University)-Netherlands, where we exchange students and lecturers,” Hategekimana added.

Similarly, the Faculty of Social, Economic Sciences, and Business Management has a student exchange partnership with KatHO University in Germany.

Dr. Marie Paul Dusingize, the Dean of the faculty, emphasized that this cooperation enhances the knowledge and skills of ICK’s students through coursework and exposure to new places and cultures.

The relationship between ICK and KatHO University is growing stronger, and it aims to expand not only in teaching but also in research and faculty exchange.

Beyond these partnerships, ICK has also been running the “Girls and Women Empowerment at ICK” project since September 2019.

This initiative provides financial support to twenty vulnerable female students pursuing their bachelor’s degrees at ICK. The program receives funding from Ajuntament de Vic and Lleida University in Catalonia, Spain, as well as the Associació Rosa Dilmé Rwanda.

Currently, ICK offers Bachelor degrees in various faculties, including Journalism and Communication Studies, Education, Social, Economic Science and Business Management, and Science of Development and soon, the list of faculties will expand to include Nursing and Midwifery.

Overall, the partnerships and collaborations between ICK and other institutions have significantly contributed to the academic growth and success of the students. The university continues to seek and strengthen such partnerships to further enhance educational opportunities for its students.


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