About ICK News

ICK News is produced by the students of the Journalism and Communications at the  Institut Catholique de Kabgayi. This newspaper aims at providing practical platform for students to hone their skills in reporting and writing stories of interest to the University community and the society in General.

The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies 

The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies is one of the four Faculties of ICK created in 2002 by Kabgayi Diocese. Two departments, Journalism and Public Relations and these programmes are taught during 3years. Vision: to become the faculty of excellence, difference and reference. Mission: to train professional journalists and Public Relations specialists who are competent and competitive on national, regional and international level.



Dean of Faculty of Journalism & Communications Studies in ICK

E.mail: jbhategekimana@uck.ac.rw

Tel: +250 788 498 511














In Journalism





In Journalism





In Journalism





Public Relation




Public Relation





Public Relation



To provide graduates who are capable of informing the Rwandan population, promoting peace and reconciliation, promoting sustainable development and contributing positively to building a democratic society.

To provide graduates with theoretical and practical knowledge for professional journalism practice.

To train journalists who are capable of manipulating all tools and devices used in journalism


The Bachelor’s Degree programme in Journalism

Media law and ethics, Print Media Practice, Newspaper production, Radio Broadcasting and TV broadcasting, online journalism, Social media reporting and management, Radio Drama and Film Production, investigative journalism, specialized journalism, Specific issues in journalism and human and Christian values

The Bachelor’s Degree programme in Public Relations

Provides theoretical and practical knowledge of Public Relations profession. It delivers for  instance : Public Relations ethics and principles, PR planning, PR execution , PR evaluation, media relations, marketing, advertising, Corporate communication , Public Relations strategies, PR campaigns , Events management ,Delivering professional PR, PR workshop and  Human and Christian values

Internship, study trips and research projects

The finalist students do internship  during  6 weeks  in different media outlets  where some of them are highly appreciated and recruited as employees before  their graduation

From level 7 or year 2 every student is attached to a media outlet or an institution

The Faculty organizes study trips for the studentsThe finalist students of Journalism Public Relations departments conduct research projects and present their dissertations.

Some Achievements

From 2002 until now, the Faculty graduated 847 laureates, 240 in the department of Public Relations and 617 in the department of Journalism

The Faculty has equipped Radio and Television studios that help students to practice what they study.

The Faculty has a video Conference Room used by guest lecturers from foreign countries  to teach our students

The Faculty has already started the internationalization of its program   thanks  to the support of European Union via Erasmus plus programme

The Faculty sent two students every year to CHE University of Applied Sciences located in the Netherlands

The Faculty receives lecturers from CHE University of Applied Sciences located in the Netherlands  for teaching

The Faculty collaborates with Rwanda Media Program of Fojo Media Institute and Pax Press for  strengthening  teaching journalism

The Faculty has a media club that provides news to ICK community

The Faculty has a gender club that promotes gender equality

The faculty has launched the website ickjournalism.com for ICK News  that serves as online Newspaper , online Radio and online Television

The Faculty has created 69 media clubs in different secondary schools surrounding ICK


Improving the quality of education in the Facult

Reinforcing the capacity of the human resources of the Faculty

 Running media and PR clubs

Running smoothly online media (Radio, TV, Newspaper )

Organizing competitions and awarding the best students in difference domains of journalism and PR

Organizing more conferences and trainings on journalism and Public Relations

Conducting many researches in the domain of PR and Journalism

Seeking for scholarship of the intelligent students from poor families

Undertaking different projects for sustainable development of the Rwandan Community

Building the strong partnership with different institutions in Rwanda and outside Rwanda


Limited equipment and materials for journalism in comparison with the big number of the students

Low level of the students from the secondary schools who come to start their studies at ICK

Poverty of the parents of the students

Lack of fund for continuous training of the lecturers

Lack of fund for research activities in the domain of journalism and PR

Lack of fund for enough community services

Lack of fund for running ICK news that serves as online Newspaper , online Radio and online Television


Lack of fund for continuing to mentor different media clubs and PR clubs


Reinforcing the existing partnerships with local, national and international institutions

For reinforcing the internationalization of our programmes  the Faculty will establish the  new partnerships with international institutions to  support existing partnerships with CHE University of Applied  Sciences  located  the  Netherlands and Fojo Media Institute located  in


Increasing teaching materials and equipment

 Reinforcing practical professional courses: running online campus radio, online campus TV and online newspaper

Organizing study trips of lecturers and students

Reinforcing the capacity of the human resources of the faculty

Organizing more conferences and trainings on journalism and Public Relations

Conducting joint research projects

Seeking for the scholarship of the intelligent students from poor families

Undertaking different projects for sustainable development of the Rwandan Community